Friday, February 12, 2010

How do I enable ActiveX control?…

Step 1: Open your Internet Explorer browser window to access the Active X controls. At the top of the page, there are lists of links that will allow you to access more page commands. Click the “Tools” link located at the top of the page. It will automatically open a drop down list of menu options. Select the “Internet Options” link by clicking it. A pop-up window will appear with more settings.

Step 2: Choose the “Security” tab by clicking onto it. You’ll instantly see several zones with various settings. Each zone represents a specific security level while browsing. Depending on the type of security level you choose, some have very low settings that will allow very minimal protection. A high-level zone will protect you most securely by blocking unfamiliar components.

Step 3: Highlight the “Internet” zone on the “Security” tab. It’s an icon that looks like a globe or the Earth. In order to access the Active X controls, you’ll need to select the “Custom Level” button. Another pop-up window with more security settings will appear. These settings are grouped into various groups to make locating them easier.

Step 4: Use the slide bar on the side of the page to navigate to the Active X section. It is labeled as “Active X Controls and Plug-ins.” By default, some of these settings are already disabled for the protection of your computer. Sometimes when you browse the web, there are multiple websites that hide spyware and viruses in multimedia components.

Step 5: Change the default Active X control settings to “Enable.” Click the “OK” button to confirm the changes in your new settings. You’ll also need to select the “Apply” button on the “Security” tab and then “OK” again to apply these changes.

Step 6: Restart your Internet Explorer browser window for the new Active X changes to take full effect. The Active X settings will not work properly without closing and then opening your browser window. After making these changes to your default Active X settings, you won’t be constantly prompted to download Active X controls each time you visit a website that asks you to. They will be automatically enabled for smooth access to the website.

Hope this helps. =)How do I enable ActiveX control?
Click the yellow bar at the top of your screen.Switch to Mozilla Firefox browser and active x will be a thing of the past and it's more secure.;_ylu=X3oDMTEyZW5xbmQ4BHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA0RGUjVfNzc-/SIG=11ojm73t2/EXP=1235446000/**http%3a// do I enable ActiveX control?
if you have internet explorer click the yellow bar up top and press allow

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