Saturday, February 6, 2010

What is actually ActiveX control or Adobe flash control and should i install it ?

is it essential to install or can be neglected. What is the utility if i install it ? Thanks.What is actually ActiveX control or Adobe flash control and should i install it ?
if the active X is from a trusted site, I mean, a site you trust, then install it, but otherwise, do not unless you feel you must. I would trust anything from Adobe but I wouldnt install everything from Adobe unless I needed it. Just because too many plug-ins increase your chance of problems from spyware and hackers, etc.What is actually ActiveX control or Adobe flash control and should i install it ?
A lot of sites use Adobe flash in their web pages. Go to and get their flash player. Usually on their main page. Allow windows to install and you should be good-to-go.
Some programs and plug-ins require you to download an Active X control in order to install it. Even Microsoft Updates require an updated Active X on ocassion. If you trust the site and the program that you are downloading from, accept the Active X.
If you want to see the animations on the web sites, then install them. Most animations, banners are Flash based. If you don't have Flash installed, you'll see an empty rectangular area instead of its content.

They are drivers, players used to show the content. They are small in size.

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